The facts are in: Drivers Ed produces safer drivers
A new study proves that formal Drivers Ed can reduce crashes and convictions among new teen drivers.
A new study proves that formal Drivers Ed can reduce crashes and convictions among new teen drivers.
The “2N2” campaign kicks off during National Teen Driver Safety Week in 2014.
National Teen Driver Safety Week is the perfect occasion to talk to new drivers about lifelong safe driving habits.
Here’s what parents and teen drivers need to know about getting a learners permit in the state of Georgia.
Are you worried about the dangers of texting and driving? Parents – you might be the issue.
Do you have a teen driver? This blog has everything you need to know about the license process, driving tips and news, safety events, drivers ed in Georgia and so much more.
It’s your last chance to save $100 because our sale ends very soon! If your teen needs to take Driver’s Ed, here’s your chance to ...
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