6 back-to-school driving tips for teen drivers
If your teenager is driving to school this year, Drive Smart Georgia offers the following safety tips to keep your new driver safe on the road.
If your teenager is driving to school this year, Drive Smart Georgia offers the following safety tips to keep your new driver safe on the road.
According to a new 2016 study of best and worst states for teen drivers, Georgia ranks #15 in the country.
Teens face serious dangers on the road, yet most drive unsafe used cars. If you want to buy a used car for your teen driver, be sure to check out this list of recommendations from the IIHS.
Heads up, parents. Memorial Day 2016 is right around the corner and it is the beginning of the “100 deadliest days” for new and inexperienced …
Everyone wants prom night to be memorable. Unfortunately, one bad decision can make the special night memorable in all the wrong ways.
Why do six teen drivers die on the road every day? And what can you, the concerned parent, do about it?
Here are some tips for parents of new drivers to make the learning process a smooth and safe transition from childhood to independence.
This time of year is the perfect opportunity for teen drivers and their parents to make New Year’s resolutions to be smart and safe on the road.
Statistics prove that caring parents have a good reason to be concerned about their new drivers during the holiday season. Here are some tips to keep them safe.
Before loading up the car and heading out this Thanksgiving, the driving experts Drive Smart Georgia recommend these tips for safe road trips.
Our Early Bird Driver’s Ed sale is here! Get $50 off every Driver’s Ed package and every class through the end of August. If you’ve ...
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