Complete A-Z Teen Driving Guide – Part 2

Drive Smart Georgia is happy to offer this Teen Driving Guide for new drivers and their concerned parents. This 2019 4-part Teen Driving Guide encompasses A-Z facts about the dangers of teen driving and how to overcome them, plus what parents can do to help teach lifelong good driving habits.
The process of learning to drive and getting that coveted driver’s license is a rite of passage for teens. Yes, they are anxious to become mobile and less dependent on mom or dad. Yet, it can also induce sleepless nights and premature grey hairs for YOU, the concerned parent.
When your teenager is ready to start driving, be sure to go over our 4-part Teen Driving Guide. It’s a great conversation starter to install good driving habits from the get-go.
Teen Driving Guide Part 2: H-N
Teen Driving Guide: H
Teen drivers will eventually face scary situations on the road, but hydroplaning can be especially dangerous. If water on the road is deeper than the tread of the tires, a fast-moving vehicle may glide over the water and not touch the road surface.
This condition is called hydroplaning and can be avoided by maintaining good tire tread, driving slowly when roads are wet, avoiding standing puddles of water, and having tires properly inflated.
For more tips on how to avoid hydroplaning, check out this video from Consumer Reports.
Teen Driving Guide: I
It’s a fact. Teens get into more accidents than experienced drivers. That’s why they’re so expensive to insure. However, here’s a bit of good news – there ARE ways to save.
If your child took Driver’s Ed at an approved driving school, you can save 10% or more each and every month. Plus, not only are good grades pivotal for getting into a good school, they can also save you a lot of money on your auto insurance.
Most of the major insurers carry a good student discount, which can save you as much as 25% on your auto policy. To qualify, your child needs to maintain a 3.0 or B average and be enrolled full time in high school or college.
Some insurers also give discounts to homeschoolers with good grades.
For more tips on insuring teen drivers, check out this article.
Teen Driving Guide: J
Joshua’s Law
The bad news is that car crashes are still the #1 cause of death for teens between the ages of 16-19. The good news is that a law was passed in the state of Georgia in 2005 to help keep teen drivers safer on the road, despite a multitude of new and ever-present dangers.
Joshua’s Law saves approximately 22,000 young lives per year. The teen driver law contains specific requirements that keep new and inexperienced drivers safer on the road. So, what exactly is Joshua’s Law? What are its restrictions for teen drivers?
Be sure to check out this in-depth article about the all-important law in Georgia and 16 other states.
Teen Driving Guide: K
Knowledge of Road Rules
Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for teens. The first step to independence is getting a learner’s permit. Then, the final step is getting that coveted driver’s license.
In order to do so, Georgia drivers must pass a road skills test. This can be a bit nerve-racking, but preparation is key. Click here to learn how to get a Georgia driver’s license in 4 easy steps.
Teen Driving Guide: L
Learner’s Permit
It’s critically important for teen drivers and their nervous parents to band together when it comes time to get a Georgia learner’s permit. You have to work as a unified team to get through the complex process.
By keeping lines of communication open, as well as your eyes and ears, teaching a teen to drive is not as scary as it initially seems. So, what are the steps to get a Learner’s Permit? Check out this article for everything you need to know.
Teen Driving Guide: M
Minimize hazards
One of the toughest things to learn as a new driver is to spot a hazard in time and take evasive action to avoid a crash. To be a lifelong safe driver, it’s important to learn how to recognize potential driving hazards, like a child running into the street or a slippery road surface.
As your teen driver becomes more experienced, he will learn to anticipate dangers that pop up. Check out this article at Teen Driver Source for more information about road hazards and how to avoid them.
Teen Driving Guide: N
Nighttime driving
The fatal crash rate for teens triples at night, according to the National Safety Council. At nightfall, ordinary risks are magnified by the darkness. When looking at all teen drivers between the ages of 15 and 19, almost 18% of crashes occur between 9 pm – midnight.
In Georgia, a new teen driver must have at least six hours of night driving experience before getting a driver’s license. After they have it, the state imposes a 12 midnight – 5 am curfew on drivers age 16-17.
Be sure to check out the Drive Smart Georgia blog next week to read part 3 of our “Teen Driver Guide: O-T.” Topics will include:
- Other roadway users
- Peer passengers
- Quick versus slow
- Resources
- Speeding
- Teen driver stats
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Related Articles:
- Complete A-Z Teen Driver Guide – Part 1
- Georgia permit test: How to prepare and pass!
- Advice for nervous parents of new teen drivers
- New apps help worried parents track teen drivers