How to keep your teen driver safe this summer

Summertime can be dangerous for teen drivers. Check out these tips from Drive Smart Georgia on how to keep your teen driver safe this summer. In 2017, the last day for most schools in Atlanta is Thursday, May 25th. Summer can be a blast for young people as they say goodbye to tests, projects and mountains of homework. They suddenly have a ton of free time, which is a good thing for stressed-out teens. It can also be a bad thing in terms of being safe on the road. In the summer, teen drivers are not just driving to and from school. It may also be the first time they drive with their peers in the car.
The most dangerous time of the year for teen drivers kicks off on Memorial Day and lasts through Labor Day. Because more car accidents happen during this time of year, it has its own name: “the 100 deadliest days of summer.” According to AAA, an average of 10 people die from car crashes involving a teen driver every day in the summer.
So, what’s a concerned parent to do? How can you keep your teen driver safe this summer? Some parents are confident and ready for their teens to drive on their own. Many are worried that their new driver is still a little shaky and inexperienced to make wise driving decisions. With the 100 deadliest days rapidly approaching, you have a few options to help keep your teen driver safe.
Summer driving safety tips for teens and parents
More Lessons: Does your child need more in-car lessons with a professional? They might seem expensive. However, if you spent an extra $300.00 dollars and saved your teen’s life, would you even think twice about the added expense?
Limit their driving: Teen drivers average 44% more hours behind the wheel each week during the summer (23.6 hours) than during the school year (16.4 hours). Do not hesitate to limit their driving until you are comfortable with cutting them loose.
Discourage “piling in”: 23% of teen drivers are more likely to drive with three or more teens in the car in the summer, compared to 6% who are more likely to do so during the school year. This sky rockets the chance of your young person having an accident by more than 40% with just one passenger being in the car with them. There is nothing wrong with extending the 6-month law that enforces a Georgia teen driver cannot have peer passengers in the car until six months have passed.
Don’t text your teen: If you want to text your child while they’re driving – don’t do it. Most teens report that if they do text, it’s to respond to a parent’s text. 16% of all teen drivers involved in fatal crashes are distracted. Texting or talking on the phone – combined with the inexperience of a new driver is a recipe for disaster. Make a parent-teen driving agreement that sets family rules against distracted driving.
Limit late nights: 72% of all teens report that they stay out later during the summer than during the school year. Additionally, 47% of teen drivers are more likely to drive late at night during the summer, compared to 6% who are more likely to drive late at night during the school year. Again, just because they are eligible to stay out late at night doesn’t mean they should!
Think hard and drive smart during the 100 deadliest days for teens!
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