What to expect during Driver’s Ed classes at Drive Smart Georgia

If your teen is signed up for Driver’s Ed classes at Drive Smart Georgia, here’s what he can expect during the required 30-hour course. The best piece of advice we can offer to concerned parents like you is to take a deep breath. Relax. We’ve got this.
Drive Smart Georgia has taught 35,000 students how to drive in the last twelve years. While the thought of your baby hitting the interstate in a 2,000-pound moving vehicle may be a bit daunting, teaching lifelong good driving skills to teens is our specialty. In fact, we’re the only driving school in the region that has developed a signature, high-energy program designed specifically for teenagers.
What to expect during the licensing process
Before getting into what teens can expect during Driver’s Ed classes, we want to first offer a few tips for parents who may get sweaty palms when they think about their baby learning how to drive. After all, you worried when you strapped on a helmet and took off the training wheels on your child’s bicycle. Driving an automobile takes worry to a whole new level. Here’s how concerned parents can survive the process.
Tips for Mom or Dad:
- Take a deep breath.
- Be a good role model – Follow traffic laws, put down that phone, don’t drive aggressively, and always wear a seat belt.
- Talk to your child about what he is learning in class.
- Read up on Georgia’s Joshua’s Law to learn what’s required to obtain a license.
- Check out this excellent new driver resource: AAA’s Keys 2 Drive
- Book in-car lessons early to secure the most convenient times to fit your child’s busy schedule.
- Take another deep cleansing breath. It will be OK!
For parents: Q&A’s about Driver’s Ed classes at Drive Smart Georgia
Parents usually have more questions than students about Driver’s Ed and getting a Georgia driver’s license. Below are some common questions and our answers.
Q: Why does my teen need to take Driver’s Ed classes?
A: Joshua’s Law requires that all 16- and 17-year-olds must take an approved 30-hour Driver Education class or wait until the age of 18 to get a license. Drive Smart Georgia is a Georgia DDS provider. Since its passage in 2005, Joshua’s Law saves approximately 15,000 young lives every year.
Q: Is my teenager really ready to drive?
A. It may seem like just yesterday when you taught your child how to ride a bicycle. Is your baby really ready to get behind the wheel of a moving automobile? There is no one answer that fits all.
With that being said, if you pick a quality driving school for Driver’s Ed classes and work with your teen between driving lessons, chances are very good that your child will be well-prepared to pass the test and become a lifelong good driver.
Q: Am I really ready for my teen to drive?
A. While your teenager may be more than ready to drive, concerned parents are often very nervous and anxious. That’s completely natural! Yes, it can be a bit scary, but you’ve got this.
For students: What to expect during Driver’s Ed classes
Q: What do students need to bring to Driver’s Ed classes at Drive Smart Georgia?
A. When students come to Driver’s Ed class for the first time, they need to bring their permit (if they have one) and a positive attitude. All course materials are provided by Drive Smart Georgia. Students should dress for outdoor activities.
Q: When should students arrive for Driver’s Ed classes?
A. Students should arrive no sooner than 20 minutes and no later than 10 minutes before class start time. All classes begin ON TIME. So, parents should plan to arrive 10 minutes before class dismissal to pick up students on time.
Q: Will students get to drive before Driver’s Ed classes?
A. Drive Smart Georgia prefers to do the actual in-car lessons after students have gained a solid foundation of knowledge in a classroom setting. However, based on driving experience, some students drive prior to the class.
Q: Can a student miss one day of Driver’s Ed classes?
A. No. However, if a student gets sick or there is a death in the family, of course we would make exceptions for a make-up class. Just remember; there is no guarantee there will be an opening for a make-up class for a few weeks.
What happens during Driver’s Ed classes at Drive Smart Georgia?
Drive Smart Georgia designed our exclusive program that activates students with entertaining hands-on activities. Students absorb so much more knowledge when they are engaged mentally and physically. We actually take students outside to participate in our drunk goggles activity so they can see firsthand how drugs and alcohol impede on their ability to make quick decisions behind the wheel. We also play games like Jeopardy to help students retain what they learn in the classroom setting.
All work and no play is no fun at all. That’s why our Driver’s Ed teachers take frequent breaks throughout the day. Students will also get a lunch break every day.
At the end of the 30-hour Driver’s Ed class, students will take a test on what they learned. Almost all of our students easily pass the test because they have absorbed the material.
Safety protocols during Driver’s Ed classes
Safety in our classrooms continues to be a top priority at Drive Smart Georgia.
- For the safety of our students, all classroom teachers have been vaccinated and boosted; therefore, they are not required to wear a mask during class.
- Vaccinated students are not required to wear masks in class. If students are not fully vaccinated, we strongly suggest that they wear a mask during classes.
- Before and after each and every class, Drive Smart Georgia will use a commercial-grade disinfecting unit that is 100% safe to kill airborne germs. This is an above and beyond precaution that we are happy to offer.
- In addition to using our commercial-grade disinfection unit, our teacher will sanitize all surfaces (doors, doorknobs, light switches, desks, chairs, faucets, desks, chairs, pens – everything that is touched!) frequently. Yes, we have plenty of hand sanitizer for all students too.
- All classroom teachers have signed agreements that they will NOT report to work if they are not feeling well.
- Teachers will take the students outside as often as possible for fresh air breaks.
For a complete and detailed list of current safety precautions in our classrooms, CLICK HERE.
When should I schedule my in-car driving lessons?
Upon completion of the class, parents will receive an email explaining how to create an account on Drive Scout, our proprietary scheduling software. In the email, parents will click on the link to create an account. It’s easy peasy!
It typically takes up to 72 hours after submitting the form to verify and activate the new account.
Once activated, parents will then be able to schedule driving lessons on Drive Scout. Don’t forget to save login and password info.
What is an on-site road test?
The Georgia Department of Driver Services allows driving schools to become certified third-party test facilities. It’s very convenient and can save hours of waiting at the DDS.
If you have completed our 30-hour course (via classroom, zoom, or online), 6 hours of driving lessons, and held your permit for at least 12 months and a day, then you’re eligible to schedule your test.
To schedule your on-site road test, please call the office during our regular business hours Monday – Friday from 10am – 4pm.
- Johns Creek – 770.232.0903
- Cumming – 470.239.4294
- Alpharetta – 770.232.0900
To purchase our on-site road test, click here.
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Related articles:
- In-car driving lessons prepare teen drivers to hit the road safely
- 5 reasons to book summer 2022 Driver’s Ed now
- Advice for nervous parents of new teen drivers
- What is Joshua’s Law? A guide for parents to limit teen driver dangers